Several activities are available during your stay at La Torretta, depending on your interest , Rome is only one hour away , take the chance to visit the Eternal city or chill in the beautiful nature of the Sabine Hills which are great for walking, hiking , cycling, as well as sightseeing , there are plenty of historical and naturalistic sites; we can help you plan your stay here and suggest the best places for a memorable experience in Sabina, see below for suggested activite.
Outdoor activities
Outdoor activities can be arranged during your stay at La Torretta Historical Home. The Sabine Hills is a great location for cycling, mountain bikes can be hired with advanced notice, there are bolted cliffs for the climber and trekking trails through the mountains,

Cooking class
Cooking lessons are fun , learn how to make pasta from scratch, the way mamma used to do and other italian specialties using local seasonal products.

Guided Tours
For small groups we would be happy to customize an itinerary, choose locations or venues, provide transfers to and from airport.

Casperia is the perfect place to organize a workshop. Photography, lansdcape painting, fresco workshop,reading,…